Welcome Prof. Chaohai Du from Peking University to be the TPC!

Welcome Prof. Chaohai Du from Peking University to be the TPC!


Prof. Chaohai Du, Beijing University, China

Dr. Chao-Hai Du, Research Professor at Peking University, doctoral supervisor, IEEE senior member, and member of the IEEE Vacuum Electronics Technical Committee. He has been awarded by the Excellent Young Scientist Fund of NSFC, Newton Advanced Fellowship of the Royal Society, UK, and Distinguished Young Scientist Fund of Beijing Natural Science Foundation. In 2021, he won the IEEE Young Scientist Award in Vacuum Electronics (the first Chinese winner). His research interests include millimeter-wave-terahertz electronics, and he has published more than 60 papers in journals such as Laser & Photonics Reviews, Advanced Functional Materials, IEEE EDL, IEEE TED, etc. He developed the time & frequency-domain theory of millimeter-wave-terahertz gyrotron devices, and was invited to publish a monograph in Springer. Terahertz ultra-high harmonic gyrotron oscillation has been developed, which promotes the kilowatt-level continuous wave source of the device to exceed 1THz; explore new schemes for the development of broadband-stable high-order vortex beams, terahertz frequency combs and amplitude enhanced radiation; Combined with skymions and high-temperature superconducting materials, the structural robustness and endogenous loss of meta-materials are to be solved.

杜朝海,北京大学研究员,博士生导师,IEEE高级会员,IEEE VETC委员。先后获国家自然科学基金优青、英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者、北京市杰青等人才项目资助;2021年获IEEE真空电子学青年科学家奖(首位华人获奖者)。主要研究毫米波-太赫兹电子学, 在Laser & Photonics Reviews, Advanced Functional Materials, IEEE EDL, IEEE TED等期刊发表一作/通讯作者论文60余篇。发展出毫米波-太赫兹回旋器件时域/频域理论,应邀在斯普林格出版专著一部;研制出太赫兹超高谐波回旋振荡,推动器件千瓦级连续波源突破1 THz;探索发展宽带稳定的高阶涡旋波束、太赫兹频率梳和增强幅度辐射的新方案;结合斯格明子和高温超导材料,解决人工电磁材料的结构鲁棒性问题和内生损耗问题。