Welcome Prof. Ning Yang from Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics to be the TPC!

Welcome Prof. Ning Yang from Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics to be the TPC!


Prof. Ning Yang, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China

Prof. Ning Yang, his main research interests include numerical simulation methods for the optoelectronic properties of semiconductor nanomaterials, design and development of infrared and terahertz optoelectronic devices, dynamic characteristics of laser and non-Hermitian systems, as well as the development of application systems. As the person in charge, I have undertaken multiple scientific research projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other scientific commissions, institutes, and research institutes. More than 50 academic papers/monographs have been published in academic journals such as Science Advances, Nature Communications, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Express, and Physical Review B. The research results have won the Top 10 Science and Technology Innovation Award (2022) and the Science and Technology Innovation Award of the China Academy of Engineering Physics.

杨宁教授,他主要研究方向包括半导体微纳结构光电特性数值模拟方法、红外及太赫兹光电器件设计研制、激光及非厄密系统动力学特性研究及应用系统开发。作为负责人承担国家自然科学基金委等科委及院、所科研项目多项。相关研究成果在Science Advances、Nature Communications、Applied Physics Letters、Optics Express、Physical Review B等学术期刊共发表学术论文/专著章节五十余篇。研究成果获中物院科技创新TOP 10(2022)及院科技创新奖等。