Welcome Assoc. Prof. Huiyu Li from Beijing Information Science and Technology University to be the Invited Speaker!

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Huiyu Li from Beijing Information Science and Technology University to be the Invited Speaker!


Assoc. Prof.Huiyu Li, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, China

Dr. Huiyu Li graduated from the Institute of Applied Optics in the Mechanical Department of the University of Stuttgart in Germany in 2019. After returning to China, she joined Beijing Information Science and Technology University. She is dedicated to research in the fields of metasurface, super-resolution imaging etc. During her studies and employment, she has participated in and led multiple research projects, and published over ten papers as the first author or corresponding author in magazines such as Optic Express and Optical Materials.

李慧宇2019年毕业于德国斯图加特大学机械系应用光学研究所,回国后加入北京信息科技大学。致力于超表面光场调控、超分辨成像等领域的研究,求学及任职期间参与并主持多项研究项目,作为第一或通讯作者在如Optic express、Optical materials等杂志上发表论文十余篇。